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本日公休-Day.Off-2023-WEB-1080P-DreamHD Kevin 2024-8-19 2187 ngmhm 2025-2-17 13:43
风语者(满屏加长版).Windtalkers.OM+DC.2002.1080P.webdl.x265.中英双语双字[5.31G] 时光机 2024-8-18 6271 红牡丹 2025-3-2 08:16
(百度云)2019准备好了没(爆血新婚夜)国语单音轨1080p.H264.[8.41g] 新人帖 - [售价 5 铜板]  ...2 Kof 2024-8-18 10363 jason2002 2024-11-25 08:38
投名状-The.Warlords-2007-BluRay-1080P-GPTHD Kevin 2024-8-18 3276 爱看电影 2024-12-19 00:16
浪客剑心-最终章:追忆篇-2021-BluRay-1080P-ALT Kevin 2024-8-18 3214 zhangwuji 2024-12-8 11:40
浪客剑心-最终章:人诛篇-2021-BluRay-1080P-MiniHD Kevin 2024-8-18 1195 普凡 2024-10-11 15:06
浪客剑心:传说的完结篇-2014-BluRay-1080P-MiniHD Kevin 2024-8-18 0189 Kevin 2024-8-18 13:44
浪客剑心:京都大火篇-2014-BluRay-1080P-MiniHD Kevin 2024-8-18 0221 Kevin 2024-8-18 13:40
浪客剑心:缘起-2012-BluRay-1080P-DreamHD Kevin 2024-8-18 3236 aries917 2024-10-28 03:24
猎鹿人.The Deer Hunter.1978.Bluray.1080P.x265.中英双语双字[4.5G]  ...2 时光机 2024-8-17 10287 ngmhm 2025-2-15 15:06
楚门的世界.The Truman Show.1998.BluRay.x265.中英双语双字[4.06G] 时光机 2024-8-17 7240 bluevenice 2024-12-23 08:35
猩球崛起3.终极之战.War for the Planet of the Apes.2017.Bluray.1080p.x265.中英双语双字[2.42G] 时光机 2024-8-17 4195 chfeng007 2025-2-14 09:56
猩球崛起2.黎明之战.Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.2014.Bluray.1080p.x265.中英双语双字[3.04G] 时光机 2024-8-16 0148 时光机 2024-8-16 23:50
猩球崛起.Rise of the Planet of the Apes.2011.Bluray.1080p.x265.中英双语双字[1.94G] 时光机 2024-8-16 1171 coldsun2003 2024-9-2 14:55
星际穿越.Interstellar.2014.1080p.IMAX.BluRay.x265.中英双语双字[4.01G] 时光机 2024-8-16 9346 cuizone 2025-2-28 12:54
丁丁历险记:独角兽号的秘密(满屏版).The Adventures of Tintin:The Secret of the Unicorn.OM.2011.1080P.Webdl.x265.中英双语双字[5.06G] 时光机 2024-8-16 8305 无敌大瓜 2025-2-25 08:05
摔角王(满屏版).The Wrestler.OM.2008.1080P.Webrip.X265.中英双语双字[2.69G] 时光机 2024-8-16 3288 ddk 2024-12-15 03:21
惊情四百年.Bram Stoker's Dracula.1992.1080p.BluRay.x265.台英双语双字[3.54G]  ...2 时光机 2024-8-15 11277 COMETA 6 天前
黑夜传说3:狼族崛起(满屏版).Underworld:Rise of the Lycans.OM.2009.1080P.Webdl.X265.中英双语双字[2.92G] 时光机 2024-8-14 5220 语之林 2025-2-23 08:29
黑夜传说2:进化(满屏版).Underworld:Evolution.OM.2006.1080P.Webdl.X265.中英双语双字[2.38G] 时光机 2024-8-14 5240 devilsaintsrow 2025-1-8 15:33
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